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Low Cost Flugtiket

Bo­oking Low Cost of Air­li­nes thro­ugh AKZ­HOL TRA­VEL

Low Cost Air­li­nes mo­re than «Phe­nome­non»

  • As of to­day Low Cost Air­li­nes co­ver mo­re than 20 % from all se­ats sold in the world:
    • 35 % on trips from Euro­pe;
    • 30 % from to­tal num­ber ???????????? in the USA.
  • Lar­ge Low Cost Air­li­nes har­den the items:
    • So­uth­West is the lar­gest car­ri­er on in­ternal trips in the USA;
    • Ry­anAir and ?asy­Jet ta­ke 2 and 4 pla­ce among car­ri­ers of Euro­pe.
  • Un­der fo­recasts sha­re Low Cost of Air­li­nes in the world mar­ket will re­ach 40 % by 2010.

So­ur­ce: Mo­nitor Gro­up Ana­lysis

Low Cost Air­li­nes in sphe­re bu­siness of car­ri­ages

  • Cor­po­rate cli­ents as­pi­re to cut costs mo­re and mo­re and cho­ose mo­re che­ap ra­tes;
  • The Qu­an­ti­ty of sold pla­ces in Bu­siness the Class dec­re­ases. Re­se­arch Barc­lay Card:
    • 65 % in 1991 
    • 25 % in 2003 
    • 15 % in 2006 
  • Qu­an­ti­ty Bu­siness of pas­sengers tra­vel­ling on Low Cost air­li­nes cons­tan­tly grows:
    • 74 % from all pas­sengers tra­vel­ling on work at le­ast ti­me used Low Cost Air­li­nes (the So­ur­ce: re­se­arch Barc­lay Card).
  • ?asy­Jet the­re was the se­cond lar­gest air­li­ne in Euro­pe fo­cused on car­ri­ages a bu­siness of pas­sengers.

If you ha­ve qu­es­ti­ons, ask!

Motysheva Anara Motysheva Anara
mob.: +7 777 225 4037
Skype: Anara. Motysheva
language: englisch

Mukasheva Elmira Mukasheva Elmira
tourism supervisor
mob.: +7 701 357 6171
skype: akzholt
language: english

Gabdulina Assiya Gabdulina Assiya
senior manager
mob.: +7 777 235 3979

Arystankulova Aida Arystankulova Aida
ticket agent
mob.: +7 777 398 0677
Skype: Arystankulova
language: french

Motysheva Shynara
mob.: +7 701 715 00 12

Starodumova Natalya Starodumova Natalya
outgoing manager
tel.:+7 272 3560377
mob.: +7 707 526 7686
ICQ: 402197954
language: eng