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Toruń 20.06.2015


Mienia zowut Zbigniew Wojciech Muszynski. Ja ziwu w Polsze.

W miesiacie aprielie i maje 2015 goda, ja był na ekskursji w Kazachstanie.

Etu ekskursiu sdielalo dla mienia turbiuro Akzol iz Almaty.

Eto pismo ja piszu iz toczki zrienia Poliaka, izwiniaja za wsie oszibki

Pierwyj wopros, kotoryj stawili mienia moi znakomyje, kogda uznali czto ja ujezzaju na etu pojezdku był: Zaczem Kazachstan?. Wsie oni (i ja toze) znali tolko to czto eto balszaja strana w Azji i czto tam byli soslany Stalinym Poliaki. I nicziewo bolszie. I to czto niecziewo bolsze nie znał, to eto był samaja glawnaja priczina poczemu ja rieszil pojechat w Kazachstan. Iz-za togo czto nikto nie rieszuil pojechat co mnoj, ja ujechał sam odinokij,no eto w niczom nie mieszalo mienia w mojej ekskursji.

Mozno skazat, czto moja pojezdka sostojalas iż czietyriech etapow.

Pierwszy dien ja posieszczal Almaty. Uwidiel ja Bolszoj Mecziet, Cerkow, kotoroju postroił Zenkow, Zielionyj Bazar (wsie znakomyje, kotoryje smotrieli moi snimki byli udiwlionnyje czto na etom bazarie było oczen czisto), sportiwnyj kompleks Medeo. No mienia bolsze wsiech ponrwalilos oziero na BAU i droga kotoraja tam wiela. Dla mienia było niwierojatnoje czto czeriez pol czasa jezdy na awtomaszinie można ujechat iż juznowo, tioplowo, solnocznowo goroda w polnyje sniega gory.

Potom w sliedujuszczyje dni, ja jezdil po okrestnostiam z oczen otlicznym i simpaticzieskim wodieteiliem Sasziej. Jo woszol na Pojuszczyj Barchan, sziol wokrug Kolyjskwo Oziera i był na dnie Czarynskogo Kaniona.

Potom było wosiemnadcat czasów puti na pojezdie w Turkistan. Takoj dliny zeleznowodorozja w Polszie niet. Eto był oczen intieresnyj opyt dla mienia. Eto było udobnoje putieszstwie. A moi sputniki kazalis oczen gostieprijomnyje. W Polszie ja jeszczio nikogda tak dolgo i tak dalieko nie nie jechal na pojezdie i nikogda nie był takoj swiezyj poslie puti.

W Turkistanie, kuda ja prijechal ja posieszcal mawzoliej Chodzy-Achmieda Jassawi. Ujezzajaiz Turkistana ja posieszczal mawzoliej Aristan-Baba i rozwaliny starowo goroda Otyrar.

Potom ja był w gornom riezerwatie Zabagly. Uchoziwaja po goram ja uwdiel miedwiedia i gornych kozlow.

I na koniec była Astana co swojej oczen intieresnoj architiekturoj i z Prazdnikom Dnia Zaszczitnika Otieczestwa

Ja poznakomilsia z kuchniej Kzachstana. Kuszal manty, szaszłyk, lagman, samsy. Tolko k sozaleniu nie powielos kuszat bieszmarmaka.

Blagodaria etoj ekskursji ja uznał krasatu Kazachstana i uznal jej zytieli.

Sama ekskursja była choroszo oraganizowana. Wsie gidy i woditieli zdali mienia na opriedielionnych miestach wstriecz.

Spasibo Asi Gabdulinie za wsiu organizacjiu mojej pojezdki. Spasibo toze moim gidom i woditielom: Saszie i Mustafie za Almatu i i jejo okriesnosti, Furhatu za Turkistan i niezabytyj wieczier, woditieliam Achmiedu i etomu korotwo imienia zabyl iz Astany, kotoryje wozili mienia iż Turkistana w Zabagly i po Astanie. Blagodoria oczeń simpaticzeskim diweuszkam gidam Araj i Anel za pokazanie samowo starowo goroda i samowo sowriemiennwo goroda Kazachstana. Spasiba Biegzanu za miedwiedia. Spasibo Ebgeniju za wiecziernnyje razgowory. Spasibo moim sputnikam iż pojezda za prijatnyj put.

I nadiejus czto eto nie była moja posliednaja pojezdka w Kazachstan i jeszczio prijdiot mienia uwidiet krasatu Kazachstana (i poprobowat bieszmarmaka).

Zbigniew Wojciech Muszyńs


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Day 1:

— arrival at the airport: without any problem, we found the driver very easily!
— arrival at the SunCity Hotel: we arrived at 12:00 and we were disappointed to understand that we could only check in at 14:00. Hopefully, they suggested us to leave our luggages for our first walking in Almaty.

- > I think that you could arrange this timing problem with them if you send there all your clients… The hotel was not full so it was obvious that our room could have been prepared for 12:00.
— installation in our room: everything was OK. I would like to notice that the hotel was very quiet and we spent 3 very good nights.

Day 2:
— visit of Almaty city without guide: no problem
Day 3:
— visit to Big Lake of Almaty: guide and driver were on time. Guide Mustafa was very nice.
— stop to the park of the first president of Kazakhstan: very interesting because we were not there the day before.
— stop to Big Lake: very beautiful
— stop on the road to hike 2 hours: guide coudn’t suggest us where to hike exactly. We had not enough time to go to some waterfalls so we walked a little bit without knowing our destination. Everywhere, nature is beautiful but we would have preferred to walk on a footpath.
-> why not leaving Almaty center at 10:00 instead of 12:00 if guide knows a nice footpath to go waterfalls and if this hiking trail needs 4 hours instead of the 2 we had.
— stop to falcon show: very interesting even if guy only speaks Russian.

Day 4:
— departure with driver to Altyn-Emel park: driver on time, nice to find the car full of water bottles for us!
— way to Bashy: no comment
— installation in our room: very nice inn, good food, nice people and we saw the cookers preparing langman (nice moment that we shared together!)
— stop in the oasis: so refreshing!
— visit to Singing Dunes: what a beautiful place!! no disappointment.

Day 5:
— stop in the oasis: again amazing to find such big trees in the desert…
— all stop in montains Katutau: amazing! We always were alone. We saw lezards. We followed the river bed so it was very easy to walk. There, it was the most silent place I have ever been! Nice pic-nic with the driver.

Day 6:
— stop to meet the camels
— stop to see the view of impressive montains: driver was very nice to stop where we wanted to and to show us the most beautiful views.
— stop to Charyn canyon: such an amazing view but parking place is full of waste.
— installation in Saty: clean room, good food, happy to meet again Mustafa with other tourists, nice evening around the fire!!
— visit to Kaindy lake: absolutly fantastic.
-> we had enough chance to see the sun reflecting in the lake but after a certain time, the lake is in the shadow and colors are not so beautiful.

Day 7:
— hiking in Kolsay lakes: driver came with us to the second lake (maybe because I told him that I read that some tourists did not find the second lake and get lost)
nice places, beautiful views but hiking was hard!
-> the walk to the second lake is really difficult and we were exhausted when we arrived to the second lake. Then, the return was really difficult!!!! I would have preferred to be prepared and to know that these 14 kilometers hike was difficult.
-> to go there without assitance, why not making a map for tourist, of course full of details?

Day 8:
— stop to see black Charyn canyon: nive view
— visit to Charyn canyon around Eco park: nice place but I was tired by the walk of the day before (of course! how not to be!)
-> I thought that we could follow the river in the canyon but it was not possible. This is my very personnal suggestion: is there any place in Charyn where it is possible to follow the river inside the canyon?
— stop to the mall: suggestion of the driver in order to buy some food for the train. Good idea!
— arrival to the station: no problem
— installation in the train: no problem. Neighbours were very quiet and we could sleep.

Day 9:
— arrival at Tulkubas: Ghenia was on time and very nice!
— installation in Inn: clear room, very comfortable in comparison with where we slept the three nights before! We slept so well this night!
— visit to Aksu canyon: guide very talktative and we learnt a lot about Kazakhstan. Nice pic-nic. We decided not to go down into the canyon because the guide told us that we could not follow the river. We stopped our way down around the middle and we came up. After that small walk, we followed the canyon from the top.
-> maybe we regret this decision because we figured out that we did not walk a lot…
— visit the small museum: interesting
-> the guide said that there is such a small museum in Altyn-Emel park. Why didn’t we visit it??? We saw different animals (gazelle or some kind of donkey-horse) from the car and I would have been very interested of seeing them in pictures.

Day 10:
— visit the Jabagly waterfalls: Ghenia was our guide and the day was perfect. Nice pic-nic.
— taxi to the airport: trip was difficult (no airco…)
— Shymkent airport: epic! But finally, we made it! Check in was possible only 45 minutes before the take off and there was so many people waiting for check in…
To sum up, we had only a few disappointments because trip was well organized. Thank you so much!
Anyway, I recommend to do this kind of trip without the children because weather is too hot for them and the time we passed in the car is too long for them!
You suggested me to send you some pictures. Here you will find.
Best regards,
Sophie Naudy


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Liebe Assija,

War Kasachstan in seiner großen Vielfalt erleben will, der ist bei "AKZHOL TRAVEL” gut aufgehoben. Das Programm "Kasachstan Kultur und Natur” vermittelt einen sehr guten Einblick in dieses faszinierende Land. Darüber hinaus war die Organisation der Reise als solche hervorragend. Assija Gabdulina hat auf kleinste Details geachtet und z. B. ein Zugabteil gebucht, das nicht direct über den Rädern lag. Sie hat auch an einzelnen Stationen der Reise telefonisch nachgefragt, um sicher zu sein, dass alles zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit verlief. Die Reiseführer, die "AKZHOL TRAVEL” an den einzelnen Stationen unserer Reise engagiert hatte, waren gebildet, informativ und interessant. Wir haben viele Hintergrundinformationen erhalten und einen wunderbaren Einblick in das große und facettenreiche Land Kasachstan bekommen.

Wer individuell reisen und viel über ein Land erfahren möchte, der ist bei "AKZHOL TRAVEL” bestens aufgehoben. Mein Mann und ich können AKZHOL TRAVEL aus voller Überzeugung weiterempfehlen.

Dr.Maria Hohn-Berghorn Praesidentin ZONTA CLUB BONN-RHEINAUE (http://zonta-bonn-rheinaue.de)


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Liebe Assija,

nun sind wir schon wieder eine Woche zurueck in Deutschland und denken immer noch an Kasachstan zurueck…

Wir wollen uns gan herzlich bei Ihnen für die ganze Mühe bedanken. Es war eine sehr schöne Reise.

Ganz besonders moechten wir nochmal Dana in Astana erwaehnen, die sich sehr viel Muehe gegeben hat die Stadt zu zeigen. Auch Brimjan hat uns sehr gut gefahren. Frau Oral in Taraz hat uns auch gleich herzlich in Empfang genommen und uns vieles spannendes aus der Geschichte und von heute erzaehlt.

Sicher einer der schoensten Uebernachtungen war Ludmila. Es ist eine ganz schone, familiaere Atmosphaere in Zhabagly und das Essen war hervorragend. Es fiel uns schwer, von Zhabagly wegzufahren!

Ja, das Hotel Turkestan ist nicht mehr das Neueste, aber fuer eine Nacht war es ok.

Dafuer war der Empfang in Almaty auch wieder sehr gut und die zusaetzlichen Fahrten zum Altyn Emel NP und zum Sharyn Canyon waren sehr beeindruckend. Und Mustafa weiss so viel ueber alles. Das war sehr schoen.

Es war eine sehr schoene Reise! Gerne empfehlen wir Akzhol weiter. Wenn ich sagen soll, wo ist es am schoensten in Kasachstan? Dann wuerde ich sagen ueberall. Wenn man mich dann nochmal fragt, dann sage ich, in Zhabagly…

Danke und Viele Grüße nach Kasachstan. Sven Bollov


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Liebe Assija,

wir haben jetzt noch mal eine Rueckmeldung vom Kunden erhalten.

Er war sehr zufrieden, obwohl es natuerlich schade war, dass die Startrampen usw. in Baikonur nicht besichtigt werden konnten.

Wenn sie wieder geoeffnet sind, moechte er noch mal anreisen im naechsten Jahr.

Furhat und Mustafa als Reiseleitung waren ganz toll.

Beste Gruesse, Elisabeth Mateo+1


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Danke, Assija.

Herr te Winkel hat mir geschrieben — und habe ich auf meine website gesetzt:

We made an individual round tour based on the program ’Old Kazakhstan and New Kazakhstan’. We want to compliment and thank Assija and Ardjan for the excellent organization. The tour program already looked like it was carefully taken care of, and also in Kazakhstan everything went well. We were always picked up in time — in train stations even in front of our compartment — and said goodbye.

The various guides were often well educated and knowledgable, and always very friendly, flexible and helpful.

We enjoyed a wonderful, varied tour and we feel we have really experienced Kazakhstan in many ways.

Hans te Winkel from Utrecht, The Netherlands, about the round tour with his family in Astana, South Kazakhstan and Almaty in July.

Hello Ardjan, Wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know the trip was excellent… it was quite an experience and all worked fine… Our guide in Baikonur was especially good… a lady that had just finished studies at Baikonur university…she was very efficient and helpful, her name is Yana Zhitenyova… if you can, send her my thanks

And thank you again for everything Regards Mario


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Dear Assiya,

After our fantastic trip organised by you, there are quite a few people who would like to do the same trip. But to start with, my three sons would like to visit Baikonur too.

They all have Dutch passports and are students in Holland.

I have some questions:

When is the next launch to the Space Station?

What would you need from the boys?

Do you know where the cosmonauts will land and is it possible to witness their return to Earth?

My sons would fly from Amsterdam and then either come to our house in Aktau first or fly from Moscow direct to Baikonur. What visas would they need in both options?

I would be grateful for your reply.

Kind regards, Okkie


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Malina Weindl

Dorogaja Assija,

zdravstvujte! Da, ja uzhe v Almate, xotela proverit emaili i poctu! Ja, koneshno, eshe ne mogu soobrazhat, cto imenno JA byla svidetelem zapuska rakety, takoe
VPECATLENIE klassnoe! Vam ogromnoe spasibo za takuju vozmozhnost uvidet start PROGRESSA. Kak ja uzhe uznala na web-site «RosKosmos», raketa uzhe pristyko-
valas s MKS! Ja byla tak v vostorge, cto cut li ne zabyla fotografirovat’ sam process, stojala otkrytym rtom…: -)))
Ogromnoe spasibo i vashim sotrudnikam, Asxat v Kyzylorde i Valerij v Baikonure ocen sposobnye ljudi, oni vse vremja staralis samogo lucshego rezultata dostigat- zdorovo!!

Vot, nadejus, cto mogla pomoc..!
C uvazheniem, Malina, Ifa-Redakteur Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung


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Hallo Assija,

Herr Cates schreibt:

Yes i am home safely after a truly amazing trip!

Pretty much everything went to plan like clock work, which is very impressive as there was a lot of people and places involved.

I found it fascinating and surprisingly friendly and safe. I also got some of the best photos i have ever take


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Nick Walker ,

Dear Assija,

Just wanted to drop you a quick email to thank you again for setting up the tour. Both the guide Marzhan and driver were fantastic. I feel like I got some real bonuses in the fact that I saw an actual launch of Proton (unexpected for me!) and got to speak with students in the space school!

I really appreciate it and will definitely recommend your company to anyone looking to travel to Baikonur or Kazakhstan in future.

Best Regards,Nick


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Kazakh Trip

My husband Marcus and I have just returned from a fantastic trip to Kazakhstan. We left from Almaty and were driven to Altyn Emel National Reserve. While at the Reserve, we were accompanied by an English speaking guide who was extremely knowledgeable. We were treated to the delights of the White Mountain, Volcanic Mountain, sightings of wild horses and gazelles and the magnificent Singing Dune. We stayed at the Altyn Emel Hotel, where accommodation was simple, clean and friendly. The food was excellent and we were made most welcome.

We then drove through stunning scenery to the village of Saty, our base for the Kolsay Lakes. The Guest House was family run and accommodation was clean; food was superb and we were once again made most welcome by our hosts. From Saty, we walked from Lake one to Lake two of the Kolsay Lakes – a fabulous walk through meadows of wild flowers and alongside clear, ice-cold rivers. We also visited the Kaindy Lake and were amazed by its tranquillity and beauty. The scenery was breath taking.

En route back to Almaty, we visited the Charyn Canyon- again an amazing experience.

Our four day trip was very memorable and one of the most enjoyable holidays we have ever experienced. We were overwhelmed by the warmth of our Kazakh hosts. Our driver was superb: driving carefully and pointing out eagles, hares and places of interest along the way. A truly fantastic trip.

Many thanks to Assija of Akzhol Travel for organising such an interesting trip – 10 out of 10.


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Dear ardjan

We are back at otrar after 6 wonderful glorious days out enjoying the best of almaty’s surrounding nature and beauty.

Before we go back to atyrau and everything gets crazy with our relocation back to europe I want to drop you an email to let you know we have had a wonderful time thus far.

Dima has been the best driver,guide, travel companion, translator to us and we reccomend his services greatly!

He helped us at the many apotheek (my husband is down with a very bad cold when we first arrived and Dima helped to find an open apotheek at 3am! I had tummy troubles yesterday) at different towns, showed us amazing sights, unforgettable experiences.

He read us very well and quickly understood what we liked and mindful to make the arrangements to suit us. His help to translate for us was phenomenal and we met many wonderful kazakhstani people. We are very appreciative of that.

Thank you also to you, ardjan for getting this trip so quickly organised for us. It has been so far our best memories of kazakhstan. I love the mountains and hope to return to do a horse ride to issykul from saty one day.


Marina and Syed


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Hi Ardjan,

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

We had a great time in Kazakhstan, thankyou very much for the arrangements you made.

The sun city hotel in almaty was perfect — good quality rooms, with A/C and a nice breakfast. Very highly recommend it, especially as it is very close to the metro station so is easy to travel to other parts of the city.

Bagdad (the guide) and Alexanda (driver) were both excellent. Given how bad the roads are, Sasha’s skill was very evident in the driving! The stories that both gave were excellent, and we were given a good amount of time at each place we stopped to explore and walk by ourselves.

Overall we had a great experience of the country thanks to your organisation and the guides that you supplied. Very happy to recommend!

Cheers, Jon


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Liebe Assija,

Wir möchten Ihnen nochmals danken für die tolle Vermittlung und Organisation unserer Reise.

Diese wird uns lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Wir haben den Aufenthalt in Kasachstan sehr genossen. Am Schluss der Reise hatten wir noch tolle Tage in Astana, dort hatten wir über eine Bekannte eine Wohnung in der Stadt gemietet. Ausserdem haben wir uns Borovoje angesehen, allerdings hat mir der eine Besuch genügt;-)

Bajkonur war für uns ein starkes Erlebnis. Die Betreuung vor Ort ganz ausgezeichnet. Natalia hat es vielleicht berichtet: den Raketenstart haben wir von der Brücke aus gesehen. Am kommenden Tag hatten wir die Gelegenheit, das Museum, die zahlreichen Kosmos-Denkmäler, das Kosmonautenhotel und v.a. die Kosmosschule zu besichtigen. Das war großartig. Der Direktor der Schule hat sich viel Zeit genommen für uns. Er schien begeistert davon, dass wir auch unsere Kinder mitgebracht haben. Mein Mann war sehr zufrieden und als Höhepunkt durften wir zwei Raketen starten! Die Kosmosschule bietet im Sommer eine Sommerschule an, wir waren am letzten Tag der Schule dort, wo alle Teilnehmer Raketen starten ließen.

Ich weiß nicht, ob mein Mann nun nochmals versuchen wird, einen Start aus geringerer Distanz zu beobachten. Bisher scherzen wir, dass mein Mann und unser Sohn später mal an der Sommerschule teilnehmen werden. Dann kehren wir zurück;-)

Turkestan wollten wir ja unbedingt sehen. Wir haben uns jedoch fremd gefühlt und dieser eine Tag hat uns gereicht. Verstehen Sie uns nicht falsch: es war großartig, dort auszusteigen und Kasachstan nochmals von einer ganz anderen, einer orientalischen, Seite zu sehen. Auch haben wir die kurze Zeit mit Furkhat genossen.

Für mich war die Tour durch die Nationalparks der Höhepunkt! Vielen Dank dafür, dass Sie uns Mustafa und Alexander zur Seite gestellt haben. Wir haben beide als sehr angenehm empfunden. Mustafa hat uns viel über das Land und die Traditionen erzählt, das war sehr gut. Auch unsere Kinder mochten die beiden sehr!

Die Nacht auf dem Zeltplatz war unerwartet kalt — wir hatten Gott sei Dank warme Sachen mit, sonst hätten wir Schwierigkeiten gehabt.

Sollte ich jemals wieder eine Tour in diese Gegend machen, würde ich länger in Basschi und bei der singenden Düne bleiben (mindestens 2 Nächte) und auch die weißen Berge noch ansehen wollen: eine solche Natur haben wir nicht in Europa. Den einen Bergsee würde ich weglassen, den 2. Kolsai-See würde ich wieder besuchen. (Wir vier hatten leider alle Magen-Darmbeschwerden, besonders schlimm war es für unsere Tochter, so dass wir manchmal nicht ganz so entspannt waren;-))

Wir grüßen Sie alle von hier ganz herzlich!

Sollten Sie irgendwann mal nach Berlin kommen, melden Sie sich bitte bei uns!



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Liebe Assija,

Wir wollten Ihnen ein GROßES DANKE für die Organisation unserer Reise und Ihrer Freundlichkeit sagen.

Wir lassen Sie einige Fotos zu erreichen, wenn Sie für Ihre Website (Gegend) brauchen, eben mit Vergnügen werden wir Sie erreichen diejenigen lassen, daß Sie in Form Datei JPEG wünschen.

Noch danke und in vielleicht einem anderen Mal!!??

Stéphane und Jean-Claude


Monnier Jean-Claude

Casavista Sàrl

Grand-rue 5 – CP 86

CH-1315 La Sarraz (Suisse)


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Dear Assija,

I am glad to provide you a feedback. Look forward to wrok with you again in the future, Mustapha worked perfectly, he couldn’t be any better. For the pictures, we have sent some to Mustpha and you can also use the ones on the website. Please let me know if it’s okay.

In July 2013 we have been crossing Kazakhstan for 12 days with Electric motorcycles, before departure I decided to get support from an expert tour operator and found Akzhol travel that immediately understood our needs which were not common, for istance, one of our main issue was finding places where to recharge batteries The guide provided to stay with us during the Journey was really supportive, we liked the fact that he was proactively in thinking about our needs, so many times we’ve pleasantly surprised with unexpected help that made our expedition easier. I would certainly recommend Akzhol as a travel partner in Kazhakstan!

Best Regards,

Nicola Colombo


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Dear Assija,

We had a great trip. Dimitry was an awesome guy and a very good driver.

His English was not very bad so he told us a lot about the country.

Also the stay with the family in Satey was very nice.

We loved every second that we are travelled.

Thank you very much for your help!

Best Regards,

Gert Woltjer

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Motysheva Anara Motysheva Anara
mob.: +7 777 225 4037
Skype: Anara. Motysheva
language: englisch

Mukasheva Elmira Mukasheva Elmira
tourism supervisor
mob.: +7 701 357 6171
skype: akzholt
language: english

Gabdulina Assiya Gabdulina Assiya
senior manager
mob.: +7 777 235 3979

Arystankulova Aida Arystankulova Aida
ticket agent
mob.: +7 777 398 0677
Skype: Arystankulova
language: french

Motysheva Shynara
mob.: +7 701 715 00 12

Starodumova Natalya Starodumova Natalya
outgoing manager
tel.:+7 272 3560377
mob.: +7 707 526 7686
ICQ: 402197954
language: eng