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Big Almaty lake (Kazakhstan)


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There are several picturesque lakes in the mountains of Zailiskiy Alatau. One of them is Bolshoe Almatinskoe (Big Almaty Lake). It is especially beautiful in the morning, when its blue surface mirrors the sky and surrounding mountains. Kazakh name of this lake is Zhasylkol, which means «Blue Lake». It is situated in the middle of canyon of the same name, on the altitude of 2511 meters. The depth of the lake is 35 meters, length is about 1 kilometer, width is up to 500 meters. In summer the water temperature is 10–12 degrees centigrade. From the lakeside opens fascinating view of the nearby peaks: Sovetov and Ozernaya — in the south, cliffy massif of Bolshoy Almatinskiy peak — in the west. The lake is used as natural reservoir storage.

On the way you will be given general information on Zailiskiy Alatau, Bolshaya Almatinskaya River. You’ll see the severe beauty of the mountains, will get acquainted with the flora and fauna, learn the history of this region.

The excursion’s duration is 10 hours. Group excursion by bus (50-seats).

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